The Next Generation of PPE
On average, a workman's comp finger injury claim
costs a company $7,500.00.
That cost would put a safety bar in every truck of most fleets.
Highco Safety Boom Dog Safety Bar
What is the Boom Dog Bar and how does it make my driver safe?
How to Use the Boom Dog Safety Bar
*Removal of Safety Pins and Chains*Latch Release
*Opening Door*Pushing Door from Safe Zone
*Wiping Liquid Tight Seals*Ratchet Tie Down
*Saggy Door Assist
Removal of Safety Pins
Removal of these pins can be difficult as they are in a bind from internal pressures.
The Boom dog facilitates easy removal of these pins.
The patented claw design provides perfect leverage.
This prevents any dangerous attempts of dislodging the pins through unsafe practices.
Hands-Free Chain Removal
Removal of safety chains can be difficult and usually present pinch points to the driver's hands.
The Boom dog provides easy removal of these chains.
The patented claw provides easy hands free removal.
This prevents any dangerous attempts of dislodging these safety chains.
Latch Release
Roll of latches can be in an extreme bind due to internal pressures.
The Boom dog provides leverage for ease of opening.
The patented tube design provides the necessary assistance.
This prevents any dangerous attempts of drivers swinging at the latch or pounding with the palms of their hands.
Opening Door
Even after safety chains and pins are removed and the latch is released (in most cases) the door is still not opened.
The Boom dog uses its patented reverse claw design to easily pry the door loose.
The patented design allows the driver to stay in the safe zone.
This prevents any dangerous attempts of pulling the safety chain or using any parts of their body to open the door.
Pushing Door from the Safe Zone
There are instances where the claw will not fit in the door opening.
The Boomdog is designed to provide a precise punch or push to create space so the claw can be used.
The patented design again allows the driver to stay in the safe zone.
This prevents any dangerous attempts of swinging at the door with various objects in attempts to open the door.
Wiping your Liquid Tight Seal
The 3/4" cut out on the claw will squeegee your seal clean hands free
Take the bar with the claw facing out and run against seal on box
The bar should reach the tough to get spots toward the top of box
No more climbing on the box and getting your favorite pair of gloves dirty
Ratchet Tie Down Feature
The T-bar feature provides a perfect ratchet tie down tool.
The Boom dog is designed to provide an answer for the numerous tasks any roll-off/transfer driver would encounter on a daily basis.
The patented tool design provides the assistance that every driver needs to perform their job in a safe manner.
This prevents any dangerous attempts of using the wrong tool for the job.
Saggy Door Assist
As any driver could attest, eight foot wide roll-off doors can also be hard to close.
The Boom dog is designed to provide an answer for even this cumbersome task.
The patented tool design provides the leverage along with a design lift point to lift a sagging door back up onto it pins.
This prevents any dangerous attempts of slamming or lifting the door by hand.
Roll Off Safety #1 Priority.